Kenneth J. Kauffman, Ph.D., J.D.

Currently, I am disabled and am an inactive member of the California Bar and no longer practice law.

You can verify my current status with the California State Bar Association by searching for Cal Bar No 321061.

I currently live in the City and County of Honolulu in the State of Hawaii. Please note: even when active, my license is only valid for California and does not extend to the State of Hawaii. While I live in Hawaii, I would need to pass the Hawaii Bar Exam to be able to practice California law or I would run afoul of the unauthorized practice of law regulations in both states. At this time, I have no intention of taking the Hawaii Bar Exam.

If you are in need of legal services, please refer to the following attorney finders:

© 2018-2023, Kenneth J. Kauffman. Last Updated 3 January 2023.